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 Hello Lovely's, This post is a little different. This post is from Sheila Johnson. I loved this post so much. Thank you for writing such wonderful information. I hope you all enjoy it. :)

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Simple Tips to Help Introverts Calm Their Minds
and Bodies in an Extrovert-Dominated World

Approximately 25 to 40 percent of the world’s population is introverted, a personality type that can leave us feeling drained after too much social interaction. As introverts, we need plenty of alone time to recharge our minds and bodies after spending time with others, meeting new people, fighting crowds, or attending a loud party. If we don’t practice self-care and take the time we need to recharge, the world can leave us feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, anxious, and sometimes even depressed. Fortunately, there are many things introverts can do to recharge their minds and bodies while existing in a world driven by extroverts. So, read on to learn about these self-care strategies for introverted personality types!

Spend Some Time in Nature

According to a global study named the Rest Test, most of us — including extroverts — see reading or spending time in nature as restful activities that can help us to relax and recharge when we’re feeling drained. At 60 percent, reading is the preferred activity among survey respondents, with spending time in nature coming in second at 53 percent. Reading and spending time in nature can relieve stress, improve cognition, and promote a positive mood. 

To experience the health benefits of reading and spending time in nature, head outside with a good book or magazine and enjoy the calming sounds of the outdoors while soaking up your daily dose of vitamin D. Other simple ways to enjoy nature include:

  • Walking along a quiet beach.

  • Biking or walking along a nature trail. 

  • Hiking through the woods. 

  • Journaling, writing a poem or sketching. 

  • Visiting a local park, garden, farmer’s market, or zoo. 

Even for those who aren’t introverts, Psychology Today says that most people become more introverted as we age. As such, solo activities like spending time in nature, reading a book, or biking may become more appealing to us all as we grow older. 

Get Physically Fit

While physical activity is essential to good health, regular exercise could be even more beneficial for introverts. As introverts, regular physical activity can boost our energy levels, make us happier, relieve stress, and give us the alone time we need to recharge. Plus, conquering our fitness goals can help us to feel more confident. 

Clear Out the Negative Energy

If you find that your family continues to deal with a vicious cycle of negativity, it’s to remove any bad vibes so your home can be a haven once again. Part of the process for removing negative energy means cleaning and decluttering. Deep cleaning removes areas where bad energy can build up. In addition to this, keep your doorknobs and windows purified with water, lemon juice, and vinegar. Afterward, burn a smudge stick and carry it around your entire home. There are other additional steps to consider in this process, but tackling these three can set you up to kick those bad vibes out for good. 

Embrace Solo Fitness Activities

While you may prefer to engage in solo fitness activities such as cycling, swimming, running, hiking, walking, or lifting weights, safety is a major concern, especially if you’re a senior. To play it safe while exercising alone, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) recommends drinking plenty of water throughout your workout, stretching for a few minutes before getting started, and paying close attention to your body, especially your breathing and stability. 

Introverted personality types may exist in a world dominated by extroverts, but these simple tips will help introverts of all ages to unwind and recharge after social engagements. By spending time in nature, enjoying solo fitness activities, and staying physically fit, introverts will treat their minds and bodies with the self-care they need to thrive.


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